
United Reformed Church

Pray like Paul

Everyone is invited to pray with and for young people using this resource as a starting point.

Why pray like Paul?

The question that congregations are asking is: “Where are the young people?â€

The answer takes the form of another question: “Have you come alongside them in prayer?â€

So the invitation is to everyone connected to the church: Pray like Paul.

Pray like Paul Lent resource page


Please use this prayer in your church each week – and ask people to pray every day.

Loving God,
you promise to be with us when two or three gather together in your name;
hear us as we pray with young people for the church and the world.
Give us faith like Paul,
to pray to you for the young people of our church
that we may be a place and a people
where they are encouraged, empowered and equipped
to play their part in the mission of God.
Prepare us to hear you through them
and to be led by their example closer to you.
Meet us in our prayers, in Jesus’ name. Amen

Pray like Paul

Paul in his letters to Timothy, a young man he has mentored and commissioned into leadership, gives us an example of praying with and for young people. Paul prays for him constantly (2 Tim 1: 3). You are invited to pray with and for young people using the prayers written by some of 51app Youth (aged 14 to 25)

  • Lord, I thank you for all the young people speaking up about things they are passionate about. I thank you for this calling that you have placed in their hearts. I pray that as they speak, people would listen and hearts would be moved. I pray you fill them with your courage and wisdom, and that they would see their words take place in other's hearts. Amen


  • Dear God,Ìý I pray that love, your love, is spread to the world. I hope your light guides us in the right direction. Lord, I thank you for your love. Amen.


  • I pray for world peace and to end world hunger. God loves us all, Amen


  • Dear Lord, May all the young people know the love that you have for them and receive you as their personal lord and saviour. May they be obedient to your will alone. We believe that you rose from the dead. Our lives are not our own but for you alone. In Jesus' mighty name. AMEN. GOD LOVES YOU ALL !


  • I pray that everyone is happy. Amen


  • Dear Lord,We lay before you all of those in need,The homeless, the hungry, the lonely, the ill. There are so many more and only you Lord know how they are feeling. Be with them, comfort them, and protect them.ÌýOpen our eyes, our hearts and our ears to their struggles.ÌýBring us together as a Church so that we can do your work in giving the homeless, shelter and the hungry, food.ÌýGive us the strength and the resources to be able to do this.

Paul sees Timothy as a person of faith within an intergenerational community of faith (2 Tim 1:5) - pray specifically for all the young people you know personally or know about across the 51app - that they will find their place amidst deep relationships with Christians of all ages in the church. Paul also sees Timothy as someone who has learned from others and has things to teach others (1 Tim 4:16, 2 Tim 3:14-17, 2 Tim 4:2), including how to understand the Word in a new context. Pray that young people will be able to teach and lead the church, and to share the good news of Jesus with all.

You are invited to pray with and for young people using the prayers written by some of 51app Youth (aged 14 to 25)

  • Dear Lord, Please help me to feel peace during my exam season.Ìý Amen
  • Dear God,Ìý I pray for those who are struggling, for those who are disadvantaged and affected by their socio-economic standing/their impairments/their home lives. I pray that they feel the love you have for them and that their lives become brighter and more positive because of it. I hope that society will begin to be more aware and understanding and see that we are all your children, equal and loved. Thank you for all you have done so far and for all the blessings you have provided, not only for the 51app Youth Exec but also the youth and the wider church and our denominational friends. God is love. Amen
  • Dear God, Please help all those who are in countries with conflict as well as those who are struggling with their own conflict, be it mental health or problems at home. Please help all those with exams coming up to get their desired grades. Amen
  • Dear God, With a world full of uncertainty, may all feel your love. May all who are cold, in these times of high energy costs, be filled by your comfort with warmth. For those who feel alone, may you walk by them. When we feel lost, may you carry us through the turmoil, and for those who are happy and content, may you guide them to share their love, to share your love, further and further. Loving father, hold us firm in your heart, that we may come to know you deeper. Amen

Paul sees Timothy as having received a particular gift from God (1 Tim 4:14, 2 Tim 1:6) and encourages Timothy to find ways to exercise this gift (1 Tim 4:15), to ‘fan into flames’ his calling and passion to use this gift courageously (2 Tim 1:6-7). Pray that young people will be supported to discern their calling and empowered to play their part in the mission of God. Paul also foresees that Timothy will need to fight some battles and deal with conflict (1 Tim 6:12, 2 Tim 2:23-25) - and may have to endure suffering (2 Tim 4:5) - but has God’s work to do in all seasons. Pray for God to sustain young people’s sense of justice and desire to take action.

You are invited to pray with and for young people using the prayers written by some of 51app Youth (aged 14 to 25)

  • Dear Lord, Thank you for your peace, mystery and love. May your love inspire us to spread your kindness in our lives and always walk forever with you. Amen.
  • Dear God, I pray that everyone is happy. Amen
  • Dear God, I pray for everyone who may be struggling. I pray for those who may feel disconnected from you and from faith and I hope you can help guide these people in order to help them feel united with your love once again. I pray that you forgive us when we make mistakes and help us learn from them so that we are able to become whatever your image of us is. I pray that you can hellp us to find peace in the turmoil and help us connect with everyone who maybe needs a hand. Please Lord, show us the way. Light us a path to take. let us make choices and guide us along the way. Loving father above, hold us in your mind, heart and hands. Amen.
  • Lord God, We ask that you stand with those who struggle to find acceptance in their communities or even in their own skin. Whether that be because of sexuality, gender or identity. Support those who experience discrimination, listening to them as they go on their journey and helping them in any way you can. Help those who know someone who is experiencing discrimination. Show your support by pushing them to fight for equality and by helping them when they are in need. Let your love and care flow on them as they take steps on their journey. Amen.Ìý Ìý (age 23)


  • Dear Lord I pray that you light in every trans young person a fire of tenacity.ÌýDear Lord I pray that staring into the abyss of tragedy we are not consumed by it and instead are joined in spite of it.ÌýDear Lord I pray that those who have no choice but to hide are seen by you to be who they have always known they are.ÌýDear Lord I pray for each and every flag flown, badge worn, and patch sewn.ÌýDear Lord I pray for the trans and non-binary youth, who are created in your image, painted and sketched in ink, poetry, love, prayer, and defiance.ÌýDear Lord I pray that they know how truly loved they are.ÌýAmenÌý Ìý(aged 15)


  • Dear Lord we lift up our world in prayer. There’s so much pain in the world, give us your wisdom and teach us how to pray for the world and those around us. In challenging times help us turn to you as our source of strength and hope. In Jesus name we pray Amen.


  • Dear Lord, I pray that you will open up our hearts to be accepting and loving. I pray that you will challenge our preconceptions, help us to learn more about people who are different than ourselves and help us to know that we are all united as your children. Guide us as we make decisions on how to be more inclusive and help us to work together to achieve this.Ìý AmenÌý Ìý Ìý(Age 18)


A blessing for young people:

Let no one despise your youth, but set the believers an example in love, in faith, in how to live. Fan into flames the gift of God that is within you and be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.
(Based on 1 Tim 4:12, 2 Tim 1:6 & 2 Tim 2:1)

Why not, as a church, share prayers written by the young people you have contact with, inviting the church to pray with them for things that concern and matter to them?


United Reformed Church