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Home Your faith Prayer and worship A simple pattern of daily prayer

A simple pattern of daily prayer

This simple pattern of prayer is designed to be used by anyone, at any time and in any place.

As well as speaking or reading in this prayer pattern you are encouraged to spend as much time listening – to God, to your circumstances and to yourself.

Where a Bible reading is suggested, you may try using set readings such as the Lectionary or Prayer Handbook, or you may read steadily through a particular part of the Bible – a Gospel or the Psalms for instance.

Alternatively, you may choose to dwell on a single verse. Customise it to suit your own style!

It is a very simple pattern that we hope will form a life-changing pattern for your life as you incorporate it naturally into your day.

May you be blessed as you punctuate your day with simple, natural prayer.

Praying hands

Prayers for the day


Morning prayer

First thing,
my Lord and God,
as day begins
refresh in me
Your presence and Your peace.

[A Bible passage is read or a verse recalled]

First thing,
my Lord and God,
as day begins
forgive in me
unworthiness and sin.

[The day ahead is reviewed, concerns are noted and held before God]

First thing,
my Lord and God,
as day begins
restore in me
Your purpose
and Your will.

Midday prayer

Lord Jesus,
worker, healer and saviour,
in the midst
of this day’s activity,
I pause and listen for
Your voice.

[A time of quietness is kept]

I offer up
the business of today
for You are a part of it.
I ask you to bless my part in it.

[Pause to think back over the morning’s activities and consider what the rest of the day will bring.]

Through my work, my words,
my thinking and my resting
may Your kingdom come.

Evening prayer

[A Bible passage is read or a verse recalled]

Last thing,
Holy Spirit,
mysterious yet intimate,
before the day concludes
I give to You
the people, places and events
of which my waking hours
have been composed.

[In quiet think back over the day. What was good – what was not? Are you anxious about tomorrow?]

Living God,
Father, Son and Spirit,
bless now my sleeping
that tomorrow I shall wake
refreshed and ready
to know and love and serve You
once again.

Tuesday prayer focus

On Tuesdays, to encourage us to remember that we are praying together as a church community, we would ask you to follow this simple pattern of prayer.

1st Tuesday of the month: Pray for the street you live on – people you know, people you don’t know. Pray for the opportunity to deepen your relationships with your neighbours.

2nd Tuesday of the month: Pray for the place where you live. Get yourself a map and use it to pray for your area – mark on it what you have prayed for. Perhaps leaf through a local newspaper…

3rd Tuesday of the month: Pray for the world (listen to the news) – what brings you joy? What makes you despair?

4th Tuesday of the month: Pray for all the members of your family by name – if there are people you haven’t spoken to for a while – then pray for opportunity to catch up!

5th Tuesday of the month: Pray for yourself and others in this church fellowship – ask God if it might be right for you to get more involved.

Download our daily prayer pattern

Useful website

A passage, reflection, action and prayer for every day


United Reformed Church