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Home Your church Support & information for churches Infant feeding in churches – ̀ưstatement and resources

Infant feeding in churches –̀ư policy statement template and resources

Let visitors know your church wants to be a safe place for infants to be fed by their carers/parents by displaying our infant feeding policy statement, poster and logos.

Wherever visitors see this statement and materials on display, they will know that the church has a policy that welcomes infant feeding.

Policy statement template

You can copy and paste the statement below or download it from the bottom of the page:

The policy states the following:

Anytown United Reformed Church (‘the church’) wants this to be a safe place for infants to be fed by their carers/parents.

We will give all parents and carers active and practical support for their needs in feeding their infant here whether by breast or bottle.


  1. The Equality Act 2010 says that it is discrimination to treat a woman unfavourably because she is breastfeeding. It applies to anyone providing services, benefits, facilities and premises to the public, public bodies, further and higher education bodies and associations.
  2. We will acknowledge and support the rights of women to breastfeed their children in all public areas of these premises. If a mother is happy to feed in a public area, then she should be made to feel comfortable to continue.̀ư An appropriately placed chair can be offered for her comfort and convenience.
  3. If a mother wishes to feed her baby in private, we will advise her of the facilities available – [quiet room, vestry, church office as applicable]. If a mother chooses not to use the private facilities offered to her, her right to do so must be respected.
  4. Toilets are not acceptable as a private space to breastfeed and should not be offered as they do not offer a hygienic environment.
  5. If a mother wishes to express milk to feed her baby, we will advise her of the facilities available – [quiet room, vestry, church office as applicable]. If a mother chooses not to use the private facilities offered to her, her right to do so must be respected.̀ư Toilets are not acceptable as a private space to express and should not be offered as they do not offer a hygienic environment.
  6. If there are older siblings with the parent or carer, and there is no creche provision, then we will try to provide an appropriate space alongside the feeding parent/carer with age appropriate materials for those children to play with safely.
  7. We will provide information to everyone about the options for feeding infants, giving support to those who cannot breastfeed their own children and are grieving about this.
  8. We will signal our support for breastfeeding with appropriate public signs (these are available from 51app website).
  9. We will support local, national and international campaigns that promote safe feeding environments for infant and breastfeeding.
  10. We will support the (IBFAN) campaigns. While acknowledging that not every mother can breastfeed, the targeting of the world’s poorest nations by large multinational companies is not acceptable.

Handling objections

  1. It is the policy of this church to try and meet the needs of all its members and visitors and make their attendance as positive and safe as possible.
  2. If a visitor or member of the church objects to a mother breastfeeding, then a conversation about the church’s policy will be held and an alternative place for the person with objections to sit will be offered.
  3. The policy was discussed by elders and church members prior to its adoption and will be reviewed annually. Anyone wishing to comment on this policy should contact the Church Secretary [add contact details].

Equipment which may be helpful:

  • a comfortable chair without arms which is suitable to use for feeding a child (nursing type chair).
  • a quiet space using a small play tent, a wigwam or a simple rug for older siblings, with a box of books, and some age appropriate quiet toys.
  • a facility to warm a bottle.
  • a facility to keep milk cold.

̀ưThis policy was adopted at the Anytown 51app Church Meeting held on 2024.̀ư

Reviewed̀ư 2024.

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United Reformed Church