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(R&P) proforma,5^RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS ACCOUNT This Year Last YearTotal RestrictedFunds Designated Unrestricted NoteRECEIPTSGrants receivedFund raising and donationsPAYMENTSMinistry & Mission FundMinistry/Group expensesCommitment for LifeMaintenance of manseOtherChurch running costsProgramme activity costsNET RECEIPTS / (PAYMENTS)Monetary assetsCashBank current accountDeposit accounts Other assetsGift Aid recoverableOther monies due to church LiabilitiesLoans outstandingSignificant creditorsAssets used for church purposes#STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIESTotal monetary assets Total receipts Total payments by (name) (signature)Gift Aid tax repaymentsLegacies!Bank interest & investment income Monies raised for outside causesSupport of outside causesMaintenance of church buildingsTRANSFERS between fundsLoan repaymentsLoans receivedNOTESACCOUNTING POLICIESkThe financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the Charities Act 1993 Section 42(3), using FUND ACCOUNTINGNUnrestricted Funds may be used by the church for any of its ordinary purposes. lDesignated Funds represent unrestricted funds set aside by the church for specific designated purposes; they Dcan be transferred back into general funds at the church's decision.Fund name & purpose:Balance in year Receipts Payments Transfers for year Balance b/fwd c/fwd Maintenance FundMinister's Car Replacement FundTotals for designated funds hRestricted Funds represent income which may be expended only on those restricted objects provided in the pterms of a trust or bequest, or donations or grants received or invited for a specific purpose. These funds canhonly be spent on the specific purpose for which they were given. Any balance remaining unspent must be rcarried forward as a balance on that fund for future expenditure on that specific purpose, or returned; it cannot be absorbed into general funds.Communion offeringsTotals for restricted funds MONIES RAISED FOR OUTSIDE CAUSESHarvest offeringsOther [list as appropriate]!Totals raised for outside causes PROPERTY INCOMEPlaygroup rentsWeddings and funeralsOther lettings incomeCH51appH RUNNING COSTSGas and electricity Insurance Water rates TelephoneStationery and photocopyingOther admin expensesLicences and musicPurchase of equipmentCleaning/caretakingAccounts ExaminationTotal church running costs NOTES - continuedPROGRAMME ACTIVITY COSTSfthe Receipts and Payments basis available to small charities, and the United Reformed Church guidance.Page 1Page 3Page 2Youth activitiesAdult discipleship coursesOutreachChurch weekendTotal property income Total programme activity costs SUPPORT OF OUTSIDE CAUSES$Subscriptions [list as appropriate]Donations from general fund[list as appropriate] Total support of outside causes MAINTENANCE OF CH51appH BUILDINGS DecoratingElectrical repairsPlumbing repairsOther property repairs%Total maintenance of church buildingsASSETS USED FOR CH51appH PURPOSESChurch buildings and manseChurch contents MONETARY ASSETS@The notes on pages 2 and 3 form part of this financial statementmThe church monies are not held in segregated accounts, but for the sake of this financial statement the totalBof each account is allocated appropriately over the various funds.Page 4TREASURER'S STATEMENT(date)INDEPENDENT EXAMINER'S REPORTRespective responsibilities (name) (signature)out on pages 1 to 3.gThe church is responsible for the preparation of the financial statements, and considers that the auditmrequirement of Section 43(2) of the Charities Act 1993 (the Act) does not apply. It is my responsibility tohstate, on the basis of procedures specified in the General Directions given by the Charity CommissionersXunder Section 43(7)(b) of the Act, whether particular matters have come to my attention.&Basis of Independent Examiner's reportfMy examination was carried out in accordance with the General Directions of the Charity Commissioners.eAn examination includes a review of the accounting records kept by the church and a comparison of thekaccounts presented with those records. It also includes consideration of any unusual items or disclosurescin the financial statements, and seeking explanations concerning any such matters. The proceduresiundertaken do not provide all the evidence that would be required in an audit, and consequently I do not Gexpress an audit opinion on the view given by the financial statements. Independent Examiner's statementgIn connection with my examination of the church funds, nothing came to my attention which gave me causemto believe otherwise than that the financial statements accord with the accounting records of the church, andlthat those records satisfied the requirements of the Act. I am not aware of any matter to which attention dshould be drawn in order to enable a proper understanding of the financial statements to be reached.kSigned by the Independent Examiner: date:-Name and address of the Independent Examiner:#Commitment for Life (incl Gift Aid)$Other outside causes (incl Gift Aid)Bequest for & & & .Synod grant for & & & .Loans for & & & .############# UNITED REFORMED CH51appHCASH FUNDS b/fwd 1 JanuaryCASH FUNDS c/fwd 31 December0FINANCIAL STATEMENTS YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20YY20YY20YXProperty - manse lettings Synod levyXAPPROVED by the Trustees on and signed on their behalfkI report on the financial statements of ############ 51app for the year ended 31 December 20##, which are setChildrens' activitiesProperty - church/hall usersMAINTENANCE OF MANSEExterior repairsManse improvementsTotal maintenance of manse OfferingsInvestments at market valueSynod Trust depositiThe church building and the manse at [address] are vested in [51app ########## Synod Trust] as trustees andnare not church assets. They are held for the benefit of ####### Church in accordance with the statutory trustskapplicable to 51app properties under the 51app Acts. For insurance purposes the church buildings are insured byithe church for #,###,### and the manse for ###,###. The church contents are insured by the church for##,###.Furnishings and equipment Buildings under statutory trustsfI have prepared the financial statements on pages 1 to 3 for the year ended 31 December 20## from the !accounting records of the church.$INVESTMENTS HELD FOR CH51appH PURPOSEShThe 51app ########## Synod Trust company as trustee holds on behalf of ####### Church investments from theldisposal of property under the 51app property trusts. Use of the capital and income is subject to the approvaliof ########## Synod of the United Reformed Church. Moneys paid to the church are shown in these accounts.m[If applicable The Synod Trust company holds on behalf of the church investments representing money received  nas legacies or other gifts. The release of this to the church is decided by the church alone. Amounts receivedof the income is as follows: Market value 31.12.20YY 31.12.20YXApplication of incomeName 1Name 2Name 3Paid to church, included above ReinvestedRetained by trusteeslduring the year are included in these accounts.] The value of the investments and deposits and the treatment/0 1 12-33g55Y77{0:; ;- <= 5= "> >w O@#CF!H I]JqLJNPcc6W  PK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭V~&}"!ᇺ_Ν =r!sh ۴T**~ r׮+JOp'M:kүݭjkh [+wc5(_Zw:Mנ_^F֯A)v[_BJ Pl5 cFZԩnΕ(,cuc;P@$=9K !'> BLra)l)oڣh#CZ&beIĐD7 o߼9{og/^=eVe80_~n&_xw_?zоIwOG,:D?DĒ@!vnu6Y7=B>ı0]hq qޜOM#N\{7Ql9=M f-G8S Ǝ=%IJk 9l,k 4I @ʅH~-tx F]n }L-3CS">i}$CތM\[Ht)#,Ky ? v{"%t#LdM!GQ1w}k׺ O!QL×07c]YfGVvi`> X6I?!aW`=@v hT_"BOwxf(_nڼ UΙJpb/N aZG!jxqÕԴr.:M#߉Hq7ձ:R޸郳ܳ$9릫j³u7=M/3//٨i:3hȲ(<ь:g#$.Hxω {!J`4T@UK^vVx:lN:E5L+@2_/uR]ӻLf)낀 c3ĖDug`4 }kaQs/\e^Gn~" 8hGOμNO3b/" tMq]{?x@ M O* M~ Y @ M O Zk M OZk M O Zk  M O  M M!M !O!M~ !Y"@!M!O Zq!M!O Zq!M! O Zq ! M! O  ! 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