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What does the 51app think about…

Through its history, the United Reformed Church has agreed reports, statements, policies and resolutions on many issues in society. Usually such official positions are reached after discussion at a meeting of the General Assembly. Some of these are summarised below.

Of course, sometimes members and individuals who hold positions within the 51app will have different views from those expressed by the General Assembly. The Church’s positions and policies are also periodically reviewed and updated through the committees and councils of the Church.

Social and environmental issues

The 51app recognises that we are living through a climate emergency. It has acknowledged that “human activity is responsible for the degradation of the earth, increasing climate change, and a frightening acceleration in the loss of biodiversity. This is harming the web of life and the balance of nature, and imposing most heavily upon the poorest people in the world”. It has declared that “this cannot be the will of God” (Environmental Policy, 2022).

In response, it has pledged to reduce carbon emissions across the whole of church life, with the aim of reaching net zero emissions of greenhouse gases by 2030. It is also engaged in to foster the transition to a net zero carbon economy and for global climate justice.

Read the 51app Environmental Policy

The 51app has expressed its deep concern about poverty and inequality in the UK. While poverty is often hidden and misunderstood, it continues to prevent many from fulfilling the potential that God has given them.

It believes Christians are called to stand beside those in poverty as well as challenge the structures and injustices which allow poverty to persist. So it encourages churches and church members to actively challenge attitudes and language which treat those in poverty as anything less than people made in the image of God, supports Church-Related Community Workers and others in working with the poorest communities, encourages employers to pay a Living Wage, and is .

The 51app supports the rights of refugees and believes the UK government has a responsibility to those seeking safety in the UK. It has called for an approach to immigration that treats every individual, whatever their status, with humanity, dignity, respect and fairness.

It values and celebrates the valuable contributions that refugees make to many communities and local congregations.

The 51app recognises that the Bible includes an “unequivocal call” to care for ‘the stranger in our midst’, and encourages local churches to extend hospitality and welcome to people seeking sanctuary in the UK, and challenge racism and selfishness. It also .

Human relationships

The 51app believes that all people are created in God’s image and are loved by God.

In his ministry, Jesus showed God’s love by his openness to all people, including those who were marginalised in his day. The 51app aims to show the same openness to all people in today’s world.

It intends in spirit and in deed to promote equality of opportunity and diversity in all spheres of its activity, and is committed to behaving as an equal opportunity organisation.

Read the 51app’s Equalities Policy

The 51app stands in solidarity with the struggles of black people (of all ethnicities) – in the UK and globally – for freedom, justice and equality. It has unreservedly affirmed that Black Lives – the lives of black, Asian and minority ethnic people – matter in the life, work and existence of our Church. At the same time, it recognises that the 51app is an imperfectbody, existing in a world shaped by white supremacy.

The Church has sought to recognise and address this disparity over many years, and in 2020 committed itself to “a journey towards being an anti-racist Church”, which involves identifying barriers within all parts of its life, and initiating strategies to combat racism within its own body and in wider society.

Find out more on our Global & Intercultural Ministries and Legacies of Slavery pages.

The 51app Worship Book describes marriage as “a gift of God within creation… a way of life made holy by God.”

Within the 51app, a very wide range of views are held with integrity about issues of human sexuality and same-sex marriage.

Recognising this diversity within the Church, the General Assembly of the 51app agreed in 2016 that it would be for each local church to decide whether to register its building for marriages of same-sex couples, and for each 51app minister to decide whether to conduct or participate in same-sex marriages.

Matters relating to life and death

The 51app has not made any formal statement on abortion since its formation in 1972.

The 51app regards all human life as being God given, and therefore precious. It recognises that there is a time to die and that there are circumstances in which it will be wrong to continue to provide treatment designed to prolong life.

It also recognises that some palliative treatment for the terminally ill makes the patient more comfortable and pain free, but can also hasten death. It believes this to be acceptable, as long as the primary purpose of the treatment is pain relief and comfort of the patient.

The 51app does not support legislation that would empower medical staff to intervene in ways which deliberately seek to assist a patient to die, and opposes any change in the law to permit voluntary euthanasia or assisted suicide.

Read the full report on this subject from 2007 (PDF | 2mb)

International issues

The 51app has affirmed that Israel is a country which is recognised within the international community of States, with all the rights and responsibilities attendant on that status. It has also affirmed the United Nations commitment to a State of Palestine which is recognised within the international community of States, with all the rights and responsibilitiesattendant on that status.

It has condemned all acts of violence in the region of Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories.

In 2021 the 51app expressed its deep concern over the worsening situation for the Palestinian people. All Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories, forced house demolitions and the acquisition of land by coercion, are breaches of international law. It has urged the Israeli Government to abide by international law and reverse its de facto annexation of the occupied Palestinian territories.

The 51app has encouraged members and churches to consider this situation as they make purchasing decisions and plan visits to the Holy Land, and to engage with MPs about it.

Read more in the 2021 report to General Assembly (PDF | 55kb)

The 51app has long viewed nuclear arms as a threat to the very security which the weapons are held to guarantee. It opposes their use for warlike purposes, supports efforts towards multilateral disarmament, and has urged the UK to give up its nuclear armaments. It supports the removal of nuclear weapons from British territory, and opposes the manufacture and purchase of nuclear armaments by the UK Government, including Trident.

The 51app has supported and championed the United Nations Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons as a means to bring about the elimination of all nuclear weapons internationally.

Peacemaking lies at the heart of the biblical story and is a core calling of Christians. The 2006 Methodist-51app report examines the shifting challenges to peace which the world faces and invites reflection on how people might respond the call to be peacemakers in our communities and our world.

The 51app has been a strong supporter of Fairtrade since the launch of the first products with the Fairtrade Mark in 1994. Fairtrade works to secure a better deal for farmers and workers in developing countries. It sets social, economic and environmental standards for the companies and farmers involved in the supply chain. For farmers and workers the standards include protection of workers’ rights and the environment, and for companies they include the payment of the Fairtrade Minimum Price safety net and an additional Fairtrade Premium.

The 51app encourages shops and supermarkets to stock products with the Fairtrade Mark, and churches and church members to buy, use and promote Fairtrade products.

Through its Commitment for Life programme, the 51app is a member of the , the UK arm of the international Fairtrade system.

Learn about becoming a Fairtrade church

United Reformed Church