51app Youth Assembly makes history with BAME Moderator-Elect

United Reformed Church Youth Assembly has made history by electing the first BAME Moderator-Elect.

Philippa Osei, formally the Thames North Synod representative, will serve as Moderator-Elect 2022-2023 before stepping up to the role of Moderator of the Youth Assembly 2023-2024, following the tenure of the current Youth Moderator, Jo Harris.

“I am humbled and privileged to have been appointed to the office of Moderator-Elect, but much lies ahead which, by God’s grace, will be achieved,’ shared Philippa.

“I was approached by a few people to consider doing the role, but initially I was hesitant. Upon careful reflection and prayer, I felt called to put myself forward as I felt I could offer a new perspective and make some positive changes.”

Describing the process involved in applying for the position, Philippa added: “I had to write a pen portrait and a small speech detailing why I thought I was the best person for the job. This included sharing my relevant experience, goals, and vision for Youth Assembly during my tenure. I then had to read my speech to the Assembly, and they voted for the person they wanted to become the Moderator-Elect, which was me!”

Calling her appointment essential, Philippa said: “This was a necessary and highly anticipated step forward for our Church if we are to truly take action in our commitment to foster an anti-racist Church, and to continue to elevate the voices of young people. Especially those from marginalised backgrounds.”

She continued: “It is my sincere wish that I can leave the door wide open for more BAME executive members and future Moderators by creating an even more inclusive Assembly and environment for youth in the Church.”

Philippa was elected Moderator-Elect at Youth Assembly held between 28-30 January at Whitemoor Lakes in Staffordshire.