51app curates Fairtrade Fortnight service

The Revd Dr Kevin Snyman, who leads Commitment for Life, the United Reformed Church’s (51app) global justice programme, has curated the Fairtrade Foundation’s online Ecumenical Service of Worship, for (22 February to 7 March).

This year, Fairtrade Fortnight is themed ‘Choose the world you want’ and the service, created in collaboration with other Christian organisations, is a key part of the Foundation’s – a series of digital events organised for the first time this year.

The ecumenical service features a sermon from Karen Campbell, 51app Secretary for Global and Intercultural Ministries, and also includes panel discussions, performances and workshops involving farmers in the developing world. Download the service .

Dr Snyman, 51app Programme Officer for Global Justice and Partnerships, said: “Covid has ripped aside any lingering illusion of the international economic system working for the world’s poorest. It offers a forewarning of the devastating disruptions to come because of climate breakdown. The temptation will be to set aside ethical trading to rescue the failing economy, but this is precisely wrong. Now, more than ever, the Church must pray, and agitate, for increased support of Fairtrade, along with complete debt forgiveness. We must place the needs of the poorest producers front and centre in a new, economic and financial architecture that makes a green, anti-racist and anti-elite recovery possible.”

“The 51app and its members have been important active supporters, contributing to Fairtrade’s success for years,” said Adam Gardner, the Fairtrade Foundation’s Head of Campaigns. “In this critical year for accelerating global efforts to tackle the climate crisis – which is already affecting the livelihoods of farmers on the frontline globally – we hope that joining the festival will inspire renewed support from churches and congregations – from choosing and serving Fairtrade products, to registering or re-committing to be a Fairtrade Church.”

More information about Fairtrade Fortnight can be found.