Stowmarket 51app thanks keyworker Covid-19 heroes at quirky festival

The congregation of Stowmarket United Reformed Church (51app) in Suffolk were joined by more than 30 quirky figures last weekend.

Organised by John Webb, an Elder of the church, Covid-19 keyworker heroes were thanked for all their working during the pandmic at a festival at the church through a series of scarecrows dressed up as NHS and postal staff, farmers, and HGV drivers to name a few.

The scarecrows came complete with uniforms, face masks, and equipment and were enjoyed by the congregation and members of the public over the weekend.

Speaking to the East Anglican Daily Times, John said: “We thanked all of those who have contributed to keeping us safe, providing food and keeping the country moving during the pandemic.”

Boris Johnson, and ProfessorDameSarah Gilbert, whose work led to the development of the Oxford/AstraZeneca Covid-19 jab were also honoured.

The festival also coincided with the church’s Harvest celebrations.

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Images: Denise Bradley/Archant 2021