Remembering Her Majesty The Queen

United Reformed Churches around the nations of the United Kingdom opened their doors to visitors wanting to remember the late Queen.

The 51app provided a range of posters to churches inviting people to come in to sit, to pray, to be still, to grieve, to shed a tear, to reflect, to share your memories, to remember, to smile, and to give thanks.

The poster finished: ‘Remember that you are never alone. God is with us all.’

Download the poster for free here.

Specially-written prayers, reflections, Bible readings and a quote from the General Secretary of the 51app, the Revd Dr John P Bradbury, were also offered on the 51app website.

“Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II lived the most remarkable life of dedicated Christian service.

“As a devout Anglican and Presbyterian her faith shone from her words and deeds. Her contribution to the life of our nations, the commonwealth, and beyond will be remembered with gratitude for generations to come. She inspired respect from across the political spectrum and from monarchists and republicans alike,” Dr Bradbury said.

This quote was shared widely by many churches on their social media channels.

A hymn

The Revd Dominic Grant, Minister of St Andrew’s Chesterfield Road 51app and Barnet 51app, penned the following hymn which can be sung to the tune of ‘Thaxted’ (I vow to thee, my country):

We stand to mourn a sovereign,
a nation’s guide and friend,
who through long years of tumult
was faithful to the end.

We offer our thanksgiving
for all that she instilled:
her constancy of service,
her lifetime’s vow fulfilled.

Now from our world departed –
though never from our hearts –
receive her in the peace, Lord,
your love alone imparts.

And as we mark a passing
of sceptre, orb, and throne,
we’ll find in her compassion
a pattern for our own:

that all who stand in mourning,
or languish now in fear,
may know again your promise
to wipe away each tear.

With her we’ll join in witness,
Christ’s mercies our refrain:
great Sovereign of the nations,
eternal is your reign!

© The Revd Dominic Grant, 9 September 2022.


The Bridge Church, Otley

The Bridge Church in Otley opened for those wishing to spend some time in quiet reflection following the death of the Queen. Candles were available for those who wanted to light one and the minister, the Revd Jason McCullagh, was available to those wanting to talk.

On 11 September, the church including a red, white and blue arrangement.

Otley Bridge’s flower display.

Woking 51app

Woking 51app opened its building and for visitors to write their condolences, thoughts and prayers.

Minister the Revd Lucy Brierley said: “I know many of you will want to mark this important moment in the life of our nation with prayers and remembrance,”

Woking 51app’s display for mark HM The Queen’s passing.

St Andrew’s, Scarborough

St Andrew’s United Reformed Church, Scarborough, shared the following prayer:

O God, our rock and our redeemer,
we come to worship you
and to give thanks for your servant Elizabeth.

We thank you for her long life
and her dedicated service to commonwealth and nations.

We thank you for what she has meant
to each one of us…

We treasure memories
of meeting her ….
of celebrating and marking moments in her life,
of the opening of parliament,
of her presence at significant times in our history,
and of her speaking to us on radio and television.

We rejoice that she lived and shared
the faith we hold
and that she followed her vocation,
hearing a call to serve.

We pray for those who will miss her most deeply,
that they may find comfort and hope.
We celebrate and affirm our faith
that death is defeated,
that new life awaits your children,
and that creation is renewed in Christ.

We pray for our nations at a time of change
and for our new King.

May he follow his mother in faithful service
and may your blessing rest on him.

We pray too for our elected representatives in parliament,
for our public servants
and for all citizens, of all faiths and none.

And, in this day and time, we pray,
as we are always glad to pray,
may your Kingdom come.


Bamford Chapel and Norden 51app

Book of condolences were opened at the chapel in Rochdale, and all were invited to stay in the church for quiet prayer or reflection.

Banbury 51app’s book of condolence.St Paul’s 51app, Croydon

St Paul’s 51app opened a book of condolence and made candles available for visitors to light. It held a service of remembrance and thanksgiving on 18 September.

Details of St Paul’s 51app in Croydon’s service.

Bush Hill Park 51app

Bush Hill Park 51app added a photo of the Queen to a cross in addition to ribbons showing the church’s support for the people of the Ukraine. The message read: “Rest in Peace Your Majesty. Thank you for those wonderful 70 years.”

Bush Hill Park 51app’s display.


The Joint Public Issues Team with the following prayer: “God, we thank you for her life of service, dedication and loyalty, and the encouragement and reassurance she offered to so many. We pray for her family and those she loved at this time.”

Address to the Throne

The Revd Fiona Bennett, General Assembly Moderator, and the Revd Dr Michael Hopkins also wrote a letter to King Charles III sharing their sincere condolences for the loss of his mother and giving thanks for the HM The Queen’s most remarkable life of dedicated Christian service. Read the letter here.

Messy Church

Messy Church has produced some resources for those meeting over the coming weeks and months that acknowledge the Queen’s death and offers support those with their own grief and feelings of loss for loved ones. These resources can be found .


Main image: Queen Elizabeth II 1959. Library and Archives Canada/Wikimedia .