October Lundie award winner named

A 24-year-old described as “helping to keep the church community together” has become the latest recipient of the Lundie Memorial Award.

Joshua Baldwin, 24, of the United Reformed Church East Midlands Synod, was nominated by Spalding 51app Elder, Julie Lunn, for utilising his skills in technology to create and share online worship during the pandemic.

By sharing this skill, Joshua helped the church continue to play an active part in the community and to reach those isolated and alone.

Joshua said he was “very surprised” upon hearing the news that he had won the award.

Julia said, that with the help of his family, Joshua involved the Spalding congregation in providing online services by inviting members to record themselves and, through clever editing, Joshua would put them together and publish the digital content in place of the usual Sunday service.

Many of those in the congregation who had previously felt unable to contribute to services found themselves, with Joshua’s encouragement, able to provide videos and ideas; something which enriched the whole church family and community and was built upon once lockdown ended.

Joshua humbly said that his achievement was the result of a “joint effort”.

As part of his award, Joshua was given £100 which he hopes to use the money to benefit some youth initiatives already up and running at the church or subsidising fees for a day out for the church’s young people.

The Lundie Memorial Award celebrates the good work a child or young person is doing for their church and community. Find out more here.