‘Big Green Fair’ to help community tackle climate change

Four churches within the United Reformed Church (51app) Pastorate in Warrington are joining forces to hold aBig Green Fair” .

The event, to be held at St John’s 51app, Wilderspool Causeway, on 23 April forms part of the four churches’ progress on the ‘lifestyle’ aspect of A Rocha UK’s Eco Church programme.

During a meeting, the idea for the fair emerged with the aim of building links with and helping the Warrington community learn about what steps they can take to address the issue of climate change.

“It is important for churches to recognise and act on the climate emergency”, said Richard Pearce, Green Apostle for the 51app Mersey Synod and a member of Lymm 51app.

“Caring for God’s creation is a biblical requirement and central to the Christian mission. Humans, made in God’s image, have a unique responsibility for the wellbeing of creation and stewardship of the earth.”

The event will include a fun day packed with lots of activities for familes, including tips on how to reduce carbon footprints, local ethical trader stalls, a recycled clothing fashion show, repair café, eco-gardening activities, pledge tree, children’s craft activities competitions and much more.

It is hoped that the event will attract visitors from all over Warrington and encourage people to make lasting changes in their lifestyles to reduce their impacts on the environment and to spread the word to others in the community.

“The involvement of community organisations in tackling the climate emergency is going to be critical to help us reach our targets and allay the worst impacts” said Cllr David Ellis, Chair of Warrington’s Climate Emergency Commission. “Churches and their congregations are possibly the single most important of our community groups and can have a key role both in communicating the message and taking action themselves.”

Local businesses and organisations related to anything eco-friendly will also be at the fair, including Refill Round, Vintage Viola, Walton Lea Partnership, the RSPB, and information stalls about saving energy, reducing energy bills, electric cars, solar panels, international charities, and the A Rocha Foundation.

Outdoor activities will include making bug houses, bird feeders, and seed planting with a sunflower growing competition and refreshments including Fair Trade products, along with a competition for children to design a poster about making a difference to the planet at home.


Image: Mika Baumeister/Unsplash.