First cohort graduates from Newbigin Pioneering Hub

Congratulations to the first cohort of lay pioneers who graduated from the Newbigin Pioneering Hub on 15 July at Lodge Road Community Church in Birmingham.

After a year of study, 18 pioneers graduated with 14 collecting a CMS Certificate in Pioneering Mission at an event held at the church, where graduates also pitched their ideas for ministry inDragon Den’sٲ.

One of the graduates, Matt Birt, achieved a successful outcome from his pitch, Open Table.

While working at Lodge Road Community Church, Mattnoticed how people struggled to open up about mental healthand other difficulties they were experiencing, especially in a strange place with unfamiliar people.

As a mental health first aider, Matt decided to use a corner of the church’s communityspace to develop a safe area for people to talk, placing newspapers and a community computer there to aid conversations about the news or sport which helpspeople, especially men, to relax and open up.

In his pitch, Matt talked about the funds needed to train another mental health first aider to support his work when he is not available, as well asextend partnerships withaddiction services, adult social care and the church’s own advocacy services to help with any referrals.

Matt asked for a financial donation of £300 towards the booksand training required for a two-day Mental Health First Aid England accredited course. His pitch was successful, and he was awarded £500 towards the training support requested.

Some of the graduates will now go on to become Assembly Accredited Lay Pioneers. The Newbigin Pioneering Hub is a collaboration between the United Reformed Church, Congregational Federation, Church Mission Society and Seedbeds and is named in honour of the inspirational 51app Minister and mission theologian, Lesslie Newbigin.

“It was a day of joy and celebration as the cohort pitched ideas for local change and received recognition of their journeys,” said the Revd Dr Ash Barker, who leads the hub.

“We are so thankful for all who made the day possible. Really looking forward to seeing how our graduates enable their local communities to flourish in God’s love and Shalom as the future unfolds.”

If you’d like to be part of the 2023-2024 cohort, or feel inspired but uncertain about how to engage with your local community, or would like more information .


Image: Seedbeds.