CPCE’s 9th General Assembly to take place

Two hundred and fifty participants from 96 churches will gather in Romania to set the course for a common future at the 9th General Assembly of the Communion of Protestant Churches in Europe (CPCE).

Themed “In the light of Christ – called to hope”, the Assembly takes place in Sibiu from 27 August to 2 September and will focus on topics including migration from the perspective of the countries from which people emigrate, how churches are dealing with the war in Ukraine, interreligious dialogue in times of conflict in the Middle East, and democracy and churches.

The Revd Dr John Bradbury, 51app General Secretary, who was elected one of the CPCE’s three presidents in 2018, will deliver a sermon at the Assembly on the hope we find in God’s resurrection power that draws us into ever deeper union with Christ to live and proclaim God’s light and hope for all the world.

The CPCE is made up of 96 Lutheran, Methodist, Reformed and United churches from more than 30 countries in Europe and South America and represents around 50 million Protestant Christians.

Every six years, a General Assembly determines the basic lines of work and elects the 13-member Council which manages the work of the CPCE between the General Assemblies.

The Council is led by a Presidium consisting of three members: Prof Dr Miriam Rose, from Germany, Revd Marcin Brzóska from Poland, and John.

Speaking of the relevance of the Assembly, Dr Mario Fischer, CPCE General Secretary emphasised how “important it is in these times to give a clear Christian and Protestant witness to issues of the present, and to be guided by the biblical message of hope.”

For more information, .


The worship services and plenary sessions, including midday and evening services of the General Assembly, , will be broadcast via the in original language and via Zoom with multiple language options, including German and English.

Please note, requests may be made at short notice for parts of the plenary session to be closed to the public, both those present and online. Once the closed session is over, guests will be invited to rejoin the proceedings.

The broadcast starts 10 minutes before the start of the event.

Image: CPCE Assembly.