A “constant joy” nets a Lundie Memorial Award

Matilda Willis, aged eight, from United Reformed Church (51app) West Midlands Synod has been named October’s recipient of the Lundie Memorial Award.

Matilda, who attends Sutton Coldfield 51app, enjoys Messy Church sessions. So inspired by them, the eight-year-old approached the organising team with some ideas of her own.

Some of her ideas included making daisy chains to decorate the cross and creating bug hotels and making seed bombs for a session entitled “wonderful earth”.

Encouraged by Matilda’s enthusiasm, the team now include her in their planning meetings.

As well as putting forward ideas, Matilda also helps to set up Messy Church sessions and tidy up after, demonstrating the various skills and benefit she has to offer.

Richard Broughton, Children and Young People’s Contact for Sutton Coldfield 51app, nominated Matilda and describes her enthusiasm as ‘a constant joy.’

When told she was October’s winner, Matilda said: “I was surprised, I love Messy Church and help out of love rather than needing recognition for it but it’s nice to have won.”

If another young person is considering being involved in the life of the church, Matilda’s advice would be to “let your parent know so that they can help support you, it can be something you do together”.

Each Lundie recipient receives £100 to use in the life of the church.

Matilda is considering using it to build on the church’s “wonderful earth” sessions and to get some bird feeders for the church and hopefully, buy each child who attends Messy Church a small gift for Christmas.

Learn more about the Lundie Memorial Awards and how to make a nomination.